Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

Media, jurnalisme,dan budaya populer

Media, jurnalisme,dan budaya populer
By:"Masduki","Muzayin Nazaruddin"
Published on 2008 by

Analysis on mass media, journalism, and their role in social life in Indonesia; collection of articles.

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

Cyber Planet

Cyber Planet
By:"Brett Herrmann"
Published on 2016-09-15 by Xlibris Corporation

After the mysterious disappearance of her parents, eight-year-old Hadley Meadows was left behind in a building the world didn’t know about. However, this building had groundbreaking technology within that gave Hadley a chance to do almost anything. Hadley would inherit the DimensionCast, a revolutionary pod shaped supercomputer that puts her in a sleep like state, then with the aid of her brain, constructs a virtual world she can inhabit and manipulate at her own will. This virtual reality, called the Pseudoplex, became her digital cosmos that housed all of the content she would go on to create. Hadley spent so much time in the Pseudoplex that she no longer identified with the outside world. Using her ever refining creative abilities, she constructed a virtual body for herself to manifest. She called it her avatar, and used it to substitute her own identity within the Pseudoplex. She named her avatar Animi, leaving behind her birth name for the real world. Hadley was an isolated daughter of missing parents, but when she laid in her DimensionCast and entered the Pseudoplex as Animi, she became a creator. She built cities, mountain ranges, forests, and towns in her Pseudoplex, and eventually filled those places with artificial intelligence that resembled other people. Animi called these people NPCs, and their artificial intelligence became more advanced, further immersing Animi into the world that she had built. Years later, Animi and her NPCs had put together an entire planet within the Pseudoplex that they could coexist on. This virtual planet was named Swisaril, and it would develop an economy, politics, laws, cultures, and celebrities. Now, Hadley is twenty-six, and she still feels like something is missing. She could still sense the twinge of loneliness in her head, even though she was the creator of an entire cyber planet. She desired something new and exciting that was random; an unknown variable to bring a new perspective to Swisaril. With plenty of research, she found a twenty-four-year-old potential filled but talent squandered man by the name of Milo Hodge. Hadley saw Milo’s capacity to do great things, but knew he would never reach that capability under his current circumstances. So, she used her resources to track Milo down and bring him into her digital world. It didn’t take long for Milo to hop into the Pseudoplex once Hadley introduced him to his very own DimensionCast. Milo was assigned an avatar, which he named Creo, and just like Hadley, took that as his identity as long as he was in the Pseudoplex. Animi makes it clear that she wants Creo to become a creator just like her, and use his potential to build off her already great creation. As Creo grows alongside Animi, he will learn about her past as the answers slowly trickle into view. With this planet full of values, civilizations, and surprises, there are many lessons that both Animi and Creo must learn together. The Pseudoplex is where minds and machines merge, where evolution is digital, and where imagination becomes reality. Step inside and synchronize.

This Book was ranked 31 by Google Books for keyword oris.

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

The Satanic Verses

The Satanic Verses
By:"Salman Rushdie"
Published on 2011-02-23 by Random House

One of the most controversial and acclaimed novels ever written, The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie’s best-known and most galvanizing book. Set in a modern world filled with both mayhem and miracles, the story begins with a bang: the terrorist bombing of a London-bound jet in midflight. Two Indian actors of opposing sensibilities fall to earth, transformed into living symbols of what is angelic and evil. This is just the initial act in a magnificent odyssey that seamlessly merges the actual with the imagined. A book whose importance is eclipsed only by its quality, The Satanic Verses is a key work of our times.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

The Player Bookazine Issue 15

The Player Bookazine Issue 15
By:"The Player"
Published on 2010-09-01 by The Player

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword oris.

The Cyclopædia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. By Abraham Rees, ... with the Assistance of Eminent Professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings, by the Most Disinguished Artists. In Thirthy-nine Volumes. Vol. 1 [- 39]

The Cyclopædia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. By Abraham Rees, ... with the Assistance of Eminent Professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings, by the Most Disinguished Artists. In Thirthy-nine Volumes. Vol. 1 [- 39]
Published on 1819 by

This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword oris.

The Carbon Farming Solution

The Carbon Farming Solution
By:"Eric Toensmeier"
Published on 2016-02-22 by Chelsea Green Publishing

Agriculture is rightly blamed as a major culprit of our climate crisis. But in this groundbreaking new book, Eric Toensmeier argues that agriculture—specifically, the subset of practices known as “carbon farming”—can, and should be, a linchpin of a global climate solutions platform. Carbon farming is a suite of agricultural practices and crops that sequester carbon in the soil and in aboveground biomass. Combined with a massive reduction in fossil fuel emissions—and in concert with adaptation strategies to our changing environment— carbon farming has the potential to bring us back from the brink of disaster and return our atmosphere to the “magic number” of 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Toensmeier’s book is the first to bring together these powerful strategies in one place, including in-depth analysis of the available research and, where research is lacking, a discussion of what it will take to get us there. Carbon farming can take many forms. The simplest practices involve modifications to annual crop production. Although many of these modifications have relatively low sequestration potential, they are widely applicable and easily adopted, and thus have excellent potential to mitigate climate change if practiced on a global scale. Likewise, grazing systems such as silvopasture are easily replicable, don’t require significant changes to human diet, and—given the amount of agricultural land worldwide that is devoted to pasture—can be important strategies in the carbon farming arsenal. But by far, agroforestry practices and perennial crops present the best opportunities for sequestration. While many of these systems are challenging to establish and manage, and would require us to change our diets to new and largely unfamiliar perennial crops, they also offer huge potential that has been almost entirely ignored by climate crusaders. Many of these carbon farming practices are already implemented globally on a scale of millions of hectares. These are not minor or marginal efforts, but win-win solutions that provide food, fodder, and feedstocks while fostering community self-reliance, creating jobs, protecting biodiversity, and repairing degraded land—all while sequestering carbon, reducing emissions, and ultimately contributing to a climate that will remain amenable to human civilization. Just as importantly to a livable future, these crops and practices can contribute to broader social goals such as women’s empowerment, food sovereignty, and climate justice. The Carbon Farming Solution does not present a prescription for how cropland should be used and is not, first and foremost, a how-to manual, although following up on references in a given section will frequently provide such information. Instead, The Carbon Farming Solution is—at its root—a toolkit. It is the most complete collection of climate-friendly crops and practices currently available. With this toolkit, farmers, communities, and governments large and small, can successfully launch carbon farming projects with the most appropriate crops and practices to their climate, locale, and socioeconomic needs. Toensmeier’s ultimate goal is to place carbon farming firmly in the center of the climate solutions platform, alongside clean solar and wind energy. With The Carbon Farming Solution, Toensmeier wants to change the discussion, impact policy decisions, and steer mitigation funds to the research, projects, and people around the world who envision a future where agriculture becomes the protagonist in this fraught, urgent, and unprecedented drama of our time. Citizens, farmers, and funders will be inspired to use the tools presented in this important new book to transform degraded lands around the world into productive carbon-storing landscapes.

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword fiforlif.


By:"Sumber: Wikipedia"
Published on 2011-09 by Books LLC, Wiki Series

Sumber: Wikipedia. Halaman: 40. Bab: Kanker, Karsinogen, Perawatan kanker, Plutonium, Kanker payudara, Leukemia, Kanker paru-paru, Radioterapi, Formaldehida, Kanker leher rahim, Apoptosis, Kanker kolon dan rektum, Onkogen, Kanker pankreas, Amerisium, Torium, Kanker nasofaring, Kanker kulit, Akrilamida, Kanker prostat, Limfoma, Heksametilfosforamida, Polonium, Limfoma Hodgkin, Kanker ovarium, Kanker usus besar, Kemoterapi, Antigen karsinoembrionik, Kanker endometrium, Mammografi, Kanker mata, Hipernefroma, Sel MIN-6, Kanker lambung, Hepatoblastoma, Displasia, Kondrosarkoma, Kanker hati, Efek Warburg, Riset kanker, Onkosit, Limfoma Burkitt, Kanker tiroid, Metastasis, Nefroblastoma, Asetilaminofluorena-2, Limfoma sistem saraf pusat primer, Tumor nasofaring, Kanker kolorektal. Kutipan: Plutonium adalah suatu unsur kimia dalam tabel periodik yang memiliki lambang Pu dan nomor atom 94. Ia merupakan unsur radioaktif transuranium yang langka dan merupakan logam aktinida dengan penampilan berwarna putih keperakan. Ketika terpapar dengan udara, ia akan mengusam oleh karena pembentukan plutonium(IV) oksida yang menutupi permukaan logam. Unsur ini pada dasarnya memiliki enam alotrop dan empat keadaan oksidasi. Ia bereaksi dengan karbon, halogen, nitrogen, dan silikon. Ketika terpapar dengan kelembaban udara, ia akan membentuk oksida dan hidrida dengan volume 70% lebih besar dan menjadi bubuk yang dapat menyala secara spontan. Ia juga merupakan racun radiologis yang dapat berakumulasi dalam sumsum tulang. Oleh karena sifat-sifat seperti inilah, proses penanganan plutonium cukup berbahaya, walaupun tingkat toksisitas keseluruhan logam ini kadang-kadang terlalu dibesar-besarkan. Istotop terpenting plutonium adalah plutonium-239 yang memiliki umur paruh 24.100 tahun. Plutonium-239 merupakan fisil, yakni ia dapat memecah ketika dibombardir oleh neutron termal, melepaskan energi, radiasi gamma, dan neutron yang lebih banyak. Oleh karena ...

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword payudara.