Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Kumpulan Humor Sms

Kumpulan Humor Sms
By:"Ajen Dianawati"
Published on 2003-11-01 by GagasMedia

Ingat ga kamu saat kita masih kecil naik oplet bareng, kamu keluarkan muka ke jendela, aku keluarkan pantat ke jendela & orang2 bilang kita kembar? Tengah mlm anak itu bangun krn dengar suara keras ibunya. Oh. . .terus Pa, aku mau keluar! Tahan Ma... kita keluar bareng. Anaknya berteriak, Pa. . .Ma... aku ikut! -GagasMedia-

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

Immortality Is Accessible to Everyone

Immortality Is Accessible to Everyone
Published on 2013-02-21 by Grigory Bershadsky

The Universal Knowledge given by Oris offers the fundamentals of a new and unique world view for all of us. It allows us to penetrate the mystery of eternal existence to an extent inaccessible efore, reasonably and substantially solving the problems therein, offering convincing answers which are not available in any religious world view, philosophical movement or scientific theory. Oris? Information expands the limits of human experience and perception literally to infinity! IISSIIDIOLOGY is a deep synthesis of high-quality spiritual thinking and coherent, rational scientific analysis. Oris explains with appropriateness the unusual form in which he presents this systematic Knowledge: before we can reach and nderstand the deepest layers of the truth expressed in complex wording, everyone will have to free themselves from all revious limiting conclusions and conceptions, thus allowing more intensive flows of the newest information into one?s self-consciousness to form in it totally new, high-quality goals and objectives that until now have been considered fantastic and absolutely unachievable

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword oris.

The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741

The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741
By:"Serena R. Zabin"
Published on 2004-02-04 by Macmillan

When in 1741 a rash of fires followed a theft in pre-revolutionary New York City, British colonial authorities came to suspect an elaborate conspiracy led by slaves and poor whites who intended to burn the city and hand it over to Britain’s Catholic foes. Within seven months, roughly 200 people were arrested, 17 were hanged, and 70 others were expelled from New York. This book abridges the transcript Justice Daniel Horsmanden kept of the trials. His record of the testimony of slaves and working-class whites provides extraordinary clues to the nature of race, class, and gender relationships in colonial New York City and raises questions about the nature and extent of the alleged conspiracy. Serena Zabin’s introduction provides context by describing slavery, tavern culture, and the legal system as well as explaining British tensions with France and Spain. Additional documents include newspaper accounts of the Antigua and Stono Rebellions and letters concerning the 1741 trials to help students make connections among these uprisings and the atmosphere of fear and suspicion they created. Document headnotes and glosses, lists of trial participants, a chronology of events, questions for consideration, a selected bibliography, and an index provide strong pedagogical support.

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword fiforlif.

Kesehatan Masyarakat KANKER PAYUDARA

Kesehatan Masyarakat KANKER PAYUDARA
Published on by Kanisius

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword payudara.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Siasat Jitu Awet Muda

Siasat Jitu Awet Muda
Published on 2006 by ESENSI

This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

The Anatomist's Vade Mecum

The Anatomist's Vade Mecum
By:"Sir Erasmus Wilson"
Published on 1845 by

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword oris.

The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature

The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
By:"Abraham Rees"
Published on 1819 by

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword oris.

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Kumpulan naskah Temu Ilmiah \

Kumpulan naskah Temu Ilmiah \
Published on 1990 by

Scientific Meeting on the Treatment of Breast Cancer; papers.

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword payudara.

Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

Untuk Wanita Yang Akan Menjalani Biopsi Payudara

Untuk Wanita Yang Akan Menjalani Biopsi Payudara
By:"Noorhashim Abdullah"
Published on 2002 by

This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword payudara.

Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

Cantik, Sehat, Et Sukses Berbisnis

Cantik, Sehat, Et Sukses Berbisnis
Published on 2009 by Kanisius

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

Serat kandha karawitan Jawi

Serat kandha karawitan Jawi
By:"Bram Palgunadi"
Published on 2002 by

Traditional Javanese folk music and theatre.

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.


By:"Jeff Probst","Christopher Tebbetts"
Published on 2013-02-07 by Penguin

A New York Times Bestseller! As seen on The Today Show, Rachael Ray, and Kelly and Michael. From the Emmy-Award winning host of Survivor, Jeff Probst, with Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life co-author, Chris Tebbetts, comes a brand new family adventure series! A family vacation becomes a game of survival! It was supposed to be a vacation--and a chance to get to know each other better. But when a massive storm sets in without warning, four kids are shipwrecked alone on a rocky jungle island in the middle of the South Pacific. No adults. No instructions. Nobody to rely on but themselves. Can they make it home alive? A week ago, the biggest challenge Vanessa, Buzz, Carter, and Jane had was learning to live as a new blended family. Now the four siblings must find a way to work as a team if they're going to make it off the island. They're all in this adventure together--but first they've got to learn to survive one another. Books in the original Stranded series: Stranded (Book 1) Trial By Fire (Book 2) Survivors (Book 3) Books in the Stranded, Shadow Island series Forbidden Passage (Book 4) Sabotage (Book 5) Desperate Measures (Book 6) From the Trade Paperback edition.

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword fiforlif.

Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

Uwikroskop; Uwi Menggila, Kamu Menggeli

Uwikroskop; Uwi Menggila, Kamu Menggeli
By:"Riescha Puri Gayatri"
Published on by Bukune

This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

EYD dan Tata Bahasa Indonesia

EYD dan Tata Bahasa Indonesia
By:"Engkay Sobariah S.Pd"
Published on 2016-01-08 by bisakimia

Ini adalah EYD Edisi terbaru yang mengacu kepada PERMENDIKNAS 2009, tentang Tata Bahasa yang benar dan telah disempurnakan. Buku ini sangat wajib menjadi panduan mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia, terutama bagi yang menyukai Dunia Penulisan seperti Penulis Cerpen, Novelis, Jurnalistik, Wartawan, Skenario dan lain sebagainya. Kerancuan atau kesalahpahaman mengenai penggunaan kata hubung, sambung dan berbagai aturan lainnya, dijelaskan dengan sangat terperinci di sini. Diharapkan buku ini dapat menjadi pegangan Wajib semua Pelajar, baik itu dari tingkat SD, SMP, SMA, Mahasiswa dan Umum. Akhir kata, buku inilah satu-satunya buku terlengkap tata bahasa yang akan membantu kamu dalam menekuni dan bergelut di berbagai Duni Penulisan

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2017

Busana Muslimah Kontemporer Uk.XL

Busana Muslimah Kontemporer Uk.XL
Published on by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Art Students' Anatomy

Art Students' Anatomy
By:"Edmond J. Farris"
Published on 2012-08-28 by Courier Corporation

Long-time favorite in art schools. Basic elements, common positions, and actions. Full text, 158 illustrations.

This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword oris.

Written and Drawn by Henrietta

Written and Drawn by Henrietta
Published on 2015-09-29 by Toon Books


This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword fiforlif.

Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017

Citra dan kekerasan simbolik dalam iklan perusahaan di televisi

Citra dan kekerasan simbolik dalam iklan perusahaan di televisi
By:"Fitri Adona"
Published on 2006 by

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.


Published on 2004 by

This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Jalan tikus menuju kekuasaan

Jalan tikus menuju kekuasaan
By:"Joko Santoso H. P."
Published on 2006 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017

Off the record

Off the record
By:"Zaenuddin H. M."
Published on 2007 by

Author's account as an Indonesian journalist in hunting unpublished news.

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe
By:"Daniel Defoe"
Published on 2007-01-01 by Bentang Pustaka

ÿRobinson Crusoe, tokoh utama, adalah seorang yang lahir di keluarga kaya dan terpandang di London. Ayah dan kakeknya adalah pengusaha sukses. Robinson menolak kehidupan nyaman ini, ia menginginkan pergi melaut, berpetualang, berjuang, dan hidup penuh tantangan. Di luar perkiraannya, tak satu pun pelayaran yang nyaman dan mengasyikkan, laut adalah kehidupan yang super keras dan hanya ?monster? yang tahan dengan kehidupan laut. Setelah kapalnya dihantam badai, ia berhasil tetap hidup. Ia berlanjut dengan menetap di Brazil dan sukses sebagai pengusaha perkebunan. Namun, godaan akan kekayaan yang lebih banyak membuatnya berlayar sekali lagi, menuju pantai-pantai Afrika untuk berdagang dengan orang sana: dagang hasil bumi dan budak. Kapalnya gagal tiba di Afrika karena badai, semua penumpang tewas kecuali dirinya.ÿ Dianggap terinspirasi oleh pengalaman nyata, Robinson Ccrusoe menceritakan kisah tentang satu-satunya orang yang selamat dari sebuah kapal karam dan terdampar di sebuah pulau di Karibia. Dia bertahan melawan segala kesulitan, memikul derita sendirian hampir selama tiga dekade sambil menguasai dirinya sendiri maupun dunia barunya yang aneh. Diterbitkan pertama kali pada 25 April 1719, novel ini menjadi perbincangan menarik dari zaman ke zaman. Terdampar di sebuah pulau, Robinson harus hidup sendiri. Pahitnya takdir adalah pil yang harus ia telan, ia mengutuk jalan hidup ini, merenungkan masa lalunya hingga dosa apa yang telah ia perbuat hingga layak menerima jalan ini. Tapi, lama-kelamaan, ia mulai melihat sisi positif pada takdirnya. Di samping segala kesusahan yang ada, ia merasa bahwa banyak hal yang bisa dan harus ia syukuri.ÿ Semakin matang pribadinya, semakin banyak pula hal yang bisa ia rayakan ? Ia menjadikan dirinya sendiri semakin manusiawi, dengan belajar dari hewan-hewan, tanah, tanaman jagung, hujan, bahkan gempa bumi. Dalam jurnalnya, pelaut terdampar berbaju kulit kambing ini mengisahkan rincian kesendirian dan banyak petualangannya, termasuk pertempuran sengit dengan kaum kanibal dan penyelamatan Friday yang luar biasa, orang yang akhirnya menjadi pelayan setia serta kawannya. Penggunaan detail yang luar biasa serta imajinatif oleh Defoe memberikan gambaran atas dunia pulau Crusoe dengan begitu nyata. Ketika berusaha meraih kembali kemanusiannya dari kebuasan lingkungannya, si pahlawab dengan rendah hati mempelajari segala keberanian, kesabaran, dan kepandaian yang menggetarkan. Dipuji sebagai novel Inggris hebat pertama, Robinson Crusoe melahirkan banyak tiruan yang tak satupun melebihinya. [Mizan, Bentang, Pustaka, Novel, Fiksi, Terjemahan, Indonesia, Klasik]

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.


By:"Blaine Brownell","Marc Swackhamer"
Published on 2015-04-21 by Princeton Architectural Press

Despite the ever-growing sophistication of synthetic and digital tools, it's the natural world that captures the imaginations of today's vanguard designers. By looking to nature as a teacher rather than simply as a source for raw materials, pioneers in the emerging biomimicry movement are developing design methods and materials to create intelligent buildings that emulate life itself. In Hypernatural architecture and material experts Blaine Brownell and Marc Swackhamer present an international collection of forty-two case studies that illustrate astonishing new applications possible in this rapidly growing field, from Echoviren, a botanical pavilion that was designed to wilt into its surrounding redwood forest in Northern California, to the MIT Media Lab's Silk Pavilion, constructed by the threads of silkworms as they passed over scaffolding. Together, these projects show that by looking to nature, design can be a tool that makes our built environment more efficient, sustainable, and, most of all, livable.

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword fiforlif.

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

Model Silabus: Sekolah Dasar Kelas 6

Model Silabus: Sekolah Dasar Kelas 6
By:"Tim Penulis"
Published on by Grasindo

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.


By:"Nicholas van Rijn","Swissinvestmentmanagement Com"
Published on 2004-10-01 by The Minerva Group, Inc.

Contents: The Secret of Swiss Prosperity (Dean Russell) Markets in Time: The Rise, Fall, and Revival of Swiss Watchmaking (Anthony Young) The Swiss Cantonal System: A Model Democracy (Frances Kendall) Swiss Banking, Swiss Secrecy (Robert Vrijhof) Swiss Bank Secrecy Lives (Robert Vrijhof) Currencies and Markets From a Swiss Point of View (Robert Vrijhof) Stock Markets and the New EU Tax Directive (Robert Vrijhof) The Benefits of Using an Independent Asset Manager (Robert Vrijhof)

This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword oris.