Jumat, 01 September 2017

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
By:"Ben Fountain"
Published on 2012-05-01 by Harper Collins

New York Times Bestseller Now a Major Motion Picture “Brilliantly done . . . grand, intimate, and joyous.” —New York Times Book Review “Mothers, father, sons, and daughters: read this giant-hearted novel.” —MARIA SEMPLE, author of Where’d You Go, Bernadette Three minutes and forty-three seconds of intensive warfare with Iraqi insurgents—caught on tape by an embedded Fox News crew—has transformed the eight surviving men of Bravo Squad into America’s most sought-after heroes. Now they’re on a media-intensive nationwide tour to reinvigorate public support for the war. On this rainy Thanksgiving Day, the Bravos are guests of a Dallas football team, slated to be part of the halftime show. Among the Bravos is nineteen-year-old Specialist Billy Lynn. Surrounded by patriots sporting flag pins on their lapels and support our troops bumper stickers, he is thrust into the company of the team’s owner and his coterie of wealthy colleagues; a born-again cheerleader; a veteran Hollywood producer; and supersized players eager for a vicarious taste of war. Over the course of this day, Billy will drink and brawl, yearn for home and mourn those missing, face a heart-wrenching decision and discover pure love and a bitter wisdom far beyond his years. Poignant, riotously funny, and exquisitely heartbreaking, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk is a searing and powerful novel that has cemented Ben Fountain’s reputation as one of the finest writers of his generation.

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.


Published on 2008 by

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

101 Cerita Bijak Dari Korea

101 Cerita Bijak Dari Korea
By:"Riburbad "
Published on 2010-11-01 by Gradien Mediatama

Sebuah buku yang akan memberikan “ginseng” untuk memotivasi dan menginspirasi Anda dalam menjadi hari-hari dalam kehidupan yang lebih bermakna. Banyak taburan cerita bijak yang sarat pesan moral, inspiratif, dan memotivasi pembaca. Banyak mutiara berharga berupa legenda, fabel, dongeng, dan cerita rakyat yang penuh pesan filosofis, dengan benang merah kental akan keberanian, kejujuran, cinta kasih, dan pengorbanan untuk negara. Maka, tariklah napas, tahan sejenak, dan hembuskan perlahan, resapilah setiap udara yang masuk ke tubuh Anda dan merenunglah seusai membaca buku yang sangat bergizi tinggi ini. Pasalnya, banyak pelajaran hidup yang layak kita unduh dari buku ini. Chapter 3 terdiri dari 25 cerita -GradienMediatama-

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Herbal Penyembuh Kanker pada Perempuan

Herbal Penyembuh Kanker pada Perempuan
By:"Joko Suryo"
Published on 2009-09-03 by Bentang Pustaka

Sudah sakit, kehilangan seluruh hasil kerja keras, masih harus kehilangan bagian tubuh. Tentu tidak ada yang menginginkan hal itu. Namun, ketika kanker ganas telah menyerang, semua itu bisa terjadi. Anda kehilangan uang untuk berobat dan seringkali masih harus kehilangan bagian tubuh yang terkena kanker. Di tengah situasi itu, muncul pengobatan herbal sebagai pilihan. Bukan hanya menyembuhkan bagian tubuh yang sakit, herbal juga sanggup memperbaiki sistem tubuh yang rusak sehingga menyebabkan bagian tubuh itu baik, tanpa menghilangkan bagian yang sakit. Buku ini mengupas khasiat dan tata cara herbal dalam menyembuhkan lima kanker yang paling sering menyerang perempuan. Kanker serviks (leher rahim), kanker rahim, kanker payudara, kanker ovarium (indung telur), dan kanker endometrium. Kelima kanker dibahas dari mulai ciri, deteksi dini, dan stadium-stadiumnya. Dilengkapi penjelasan lengkap mengenai organ tubuh perempuan yang rentan terkena kanker, titik-titik refleksi penyembuhan, tip meracik sediaan herbal, daftar makanan yang mengandung zat antikanker, dan daftar makanan pemicu kanker, membuat buku ini wajib dibaca oleh semua orang yang peduli kesehatan, terutama perempuan. [Mizan, B-first, Kesehatan, Panduan, Indonesia]

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword payudara.

Keperawatan Medikal- Bedah

Keperawatan Medikal- Bedah
Published on by EGC

This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword payudara.

Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Kumpulan Humor Sms

Kumpulan Humor Sms
By:"Ajen Dianawati"
Published on 2003-11-01 by GagasMedia

Ingat ga kamu saat kita masih kecil naik oplet bareng, kamu keluarkan muka ke jendela, aku keluarkan pantat ke jendela & orang2 bilang kita kembar? Tengah mlm anak itu bangun krn dengar suara keras ibunya. Oh. . .terus Pa, aku mau keluar! Tahan Ma... kita keluar bareng. Anaknya berteriak, Pa. . .Ma... aku ikut! -GagasMedia-

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

Immortality Is Accessible to Everyone

Immortality Is Accessible to Everyone
Published on 2013-02-21 by Grigory Bershadsky

The Universal Knowledge given by Oris offers the fundamentals of a new and unique world view for all of us. It allows us to penetrate the mystery of eternal existence to an extent inaccessible efore, reasonably and substantially solving the problems therein, offering convincing answers which are not available in any religious world view, philosophical movement or scientific theory. Oris? Information expands the limits of human experience and perception literally to infinity! IISSIIDIOLOGY is a deep synthesis of high-quality spiritual thinking and coherent, rational scientific analysis. Oris explains with appropriateness the unusual form in which he presents this systematic Knowledge: before we can reach and nderstand the deepest layers of the truth expressed in complex wording, everyone will have to free themselves from all revious limiting conclusions and conceptions, thus allowing more intensive flows of the newest information into one?s self-consciousness to form in it totally new, high-quality goals and objectives that until now have been considered fantastic and absolutely unachievable

This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword oris.