Senin, 31 Juli 2017

A Latin grammar, arranged according to the principles of the Madras mode of instruction, for the use of the Cathedral school, Hereford

A Latin grammar, arranged according to the principles of the Madras mode of instruction, for the use of the Cathedral school, Hereford
By:"Charles Taylor"
Published on 1823 by

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword oris breast.

Minggu, 30 Juli 2017

Chasing Venus

Chasing Venus
By:"Andrea Wulf"
Published on 2012 by Alfred a Knopf Incorporated

The award-winning author of The Brother Gardeners chronicles the 18th-century quest to observe the transit of Venus and measure the solar system, explaining the political strife and weather challenges that were overcome to enable an international team of astronomers to work together. 30,000 first printing.

This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.

The Slaves of Heaven

The Slaves of Heaven
By:"Edmund Cooper"
Published on 2011-09-29 by Gateway

'Welcome to Heaven', said the voice. 'The acquisition programme is entirely for females; but the occasional enterprising male does not displease us.' Berry, Chief of his clan, knew his people could survive the dangers of the forest; and when winter came he made them build barricades against raiders from other clans. But no barricades were strong enough to hold against the Night Comers - huge silver beings of horrifying strength who carried away the womenfolk and were drastically lowering the human population. Were the Night Comers men, monsters or gods? Berry believed they were men; and when the inevitable night came when the women of his clan were seized, he managed to follow. He followed them to a huge tapering column of metal, which took him away from the world he had known to an island in the sky called 'heaven'. And there Berry realised that he had to defeat the Lords of Heaven if the people on Earth were to survive.

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword oris.

Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry

Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry
By:"Neil S. Norton"
Published on 2011-11-11 by Elsevier Health Sciences

Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry, by Neil S. Norton, PhD, uses more than 600 full-color images from the Netter Collection to richly depict all of the key anatomy that’s relevant to clinical practice. This new edition takes your knowledge further than ever with more Netter illustrations; addition of over 20 cone beam CT images; new chapters on the upper limbs, thorax, and abdomen; and more than 100 multiple-choice questions. Whether for your dental anatomy course, board review, or as a handy reference in your dental office, this concise, visual guide is an excellent anatomy atlas and quick reference for students and professionals in dentistry and dental hygiene. Identify clinically relevant anatomy with Netter illustrations highlighted and modified for dentistry. See the practical important of anatomy from illustrated clinical examples in each chapter. Review essential concepts easily with tables that display the maximum amount of information in an at-a-glance format. Master anatomy for the head and neck and beyond, including upper limbs, thorax, and abdomen. Stay current on hot topics like cone beam CT imaging, intraoral injections, and anesthesia. Recognize the context and clinical relevance of head and neck anatomy through additional coverage of dental procedures. Prepare effectively for the dental boards with over 100 multiple-choice questions.

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword oris.

Bibliotheca chirurgica

Bibliotheca chirurgica
By:"Albrecht von Haller","Gunter Mann"
Published on 1971 by

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword oris malang.

Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

Kota Kaum Cadar

Kota Kaum Cadar
By:"Zoe Ferraris"
Published on 2014-08-01 by Pustaka Alvabet

Di sebuah pantai di Jeddah, Arab Saudi, seorang wanita ditemukan tak bernyawa dengan tubuh penuh luka. Di saat yang sama, Detektif Osama tengah menyelidiki pembunuhan misterius lainnya. Katya Hijazi, petugas laboratorium, segera tahu bahwa wanita naas itu adalah Laila Nawar, pembuat film yang banyak mengangkat tema kemunafikan agama dan seksualitas. Dibantu temannya, Nayir Syarqi, Katya bertekad mengungkap misteri kematian Laila. Sementara itu, Miriam Walker berjuang mengusir rasa khawatir kala suaminya, Eric, tiba-tiba menghilang. Sebagai ekspatriat Amerika di Jeddah, berurusan dengan polisi sungguh tak nyaman. Tetapi, ketika Nayir dan Katya menanyakan ihwal hubungan suaminya dengan Laila, ia sadar bahwa suaminya mungkin terlibat kejahatan. Berusaha menemukan dan membuktikan suaminya tak bersalah, Miriam membawa dirinya ke jalur berbahaya. Kota Kaum Cadar adalah novel detektif yang mengungkap kasus misterius di sebuah kota di mana selubung kepala kaum konservatif menjadikan para wanita tak tampak identitasnya. Dengan plot ciamik yang sarat misteri dan ketegangan, Zoë Ferraris menjelajahi kompleksitas dan kontradiksi kehidupan di Jeddah—kota yang terjebak di antara perannya sebagai gerbang suci menuju Mekkah dan sebagai kota kosmopolitan yang kian liberal.

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.

Pengindonesiaan kata dan ungkapan asing

Pengindonesiaan kata dan ungkapan asing
Published on 2003 by

This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword pengencang.