By:"Marcellus (Empiricus)","Janus Cornarius"
Published on 1536 by
This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword oris malang.
0857-3213-4547 Fiforlif ABE + Oris Breast Cream Pengencang Payudara ABE + Ladyfem ABE + Foredi ABE
By:"Marcellus (Empiricus)","Janus Cornarius"
Published on 1536 by
This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword oris malang.
Dokter, pelukis, dan si cowok plin-plan
Published on 2005 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword pembesar payudara.
Variety of Forms of Creative Realization of the Cosmic Human
Published on 2016-08-16 by Ayfaar Foundation Inc.
The third volume of «IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals» allows readers to go deeper into yet completely unexplored by us structures, which provide functioning of human Self-Consciousness and its interconnections with Self-Consciousness Forms, focused by it. First two volumes of «IISSIIDIOLOGY Fundamentals» thoroughly describe the deep Nature of Causes and Mechanisms of Creative Activity of everything manifested in multidimesional and different-quality Macrocosm, including also qualitative Basis of Focus Dynamics of Formo-Creators of Universe Structures. The third volume in its turn focuses on the detailed description of basic Principles of manifestation of Human and other Self-Consciousness Forms in all the diversity of multidimesional ranges of Tertiary Illusion. To allow the reader to fully comprehend the essence of the notion «Self-Consciousness Form», the author describes realization functions of these structures at the example of subjective formation – as a result of life creativity of every personality – of so called personalistic Worlds, which goes far beyond existing scientific notions about the surrounding reality and peculiarities of interaction between Forms structuring it, whether it is a human, a planet, or an elementary particle. Furthermore, he describes multidimesional variety of Forms of lluuvvumic Direction of development and characteristics of focus realization of Collective Cosmic Intelligence of humanity as a unified LLUU-VVU-Entity. The third volume ends with a detailed description of multi-level manifestation of Plasma Forces Range of our Universe, which are described from a position of their subjective interpretation through the specific peculiarities of human Perception systems. Endless inner transformations of Universe Illusion, as mechanisms of evolutional growth of the Cosmic Human on its Way to its Universe Future, lets inquisitive readers to form in their Self-Consciousness own highly intuitive conceptions about endless varieties of all possible variants of development, where goes the process of eternal multidimesional Existence of every human personality.
This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword oris.
Apa yang Terjadi pada Diriku? (khusus cewek)
Published on by Erlangga for Kids
This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword payudara.
Aag Sistem Reproduksi
Published on by Erlangga
This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword payudara.
Thinking Contemporary Curating
By:"Terry E. Smith"
Published on 2012 by Independent Curators
This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword pengencang payudara surabaya.
By:"A. E. van Vogt"
Published on 1998-02-15 by Macmillan
After escaping extermination by the humans, young Jommy Cross searches for the meaning of the Slans' great mental superiority
This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword pengencang payudara surabaya.